Our Members
Founded in 1988, we have members in many business categories and welcome new members in categories still available! We meet in person twice a month and also have a Zoom option available. We invite you to connect with like-minded women business owners and expand your network!
Please click on any member for detail
or Print Directory PDF.
Krystal Johnson
Residential & Commercial Cleaning and Reiki Energy Healing
Cynthia Cobb
Delicious Foods & Gifts
Cruzanne Lewis
Weight Loss, Wellness
& Sports Nutrition
& Sports Nutrition
Deb Trombino
RBC Communications
Kim Penny
Websites / Technology
~ Alumni Members ~
Debbie Norton
Real Estate
Carol Packo
Your Lender for Life!
Kathy Kowalczyk
Administrative & Bookkeeping Services
Paula Ripple
Organization / Move Specialist
LaMichelle Hecht
Expert Accounting Solutions
WBE meets on the first and third Thursday each month at 7:15am in Gages Lake, Illinois.